Making it easy for your customers to pay: 6 must-have digital billing features

What’s the ultimate goal of any billingexperience? To get paid fast.

Evaluate your current billing experienceand then ask, does the experience provide tools that make it easy for ourbusiness customers to pay?

That’s the secret to getting paid fast.

The question applies to both on and offlinepayments. Although a large enterprise customer may not opt in for online orautomatic payments, they can simplify review and approval with a good billingexperience.

In benchmarking best practices, Globys hasidentified the following features for making payments easier:

1.Customer-defined consolidation

Digital invoicing allows customers toconsolidate any or all invoices, across multiple accounts, into a singleinvoice for payment. This requires a unique approach to how invoice data ismapped, loaded and stored – essentially allowing customers to bring togetherinvoices of their choice on demand. This feature allows customers to alignsupplier invoices with their accounting and payment structures in just a fewclicks.

2.Custom reporting and account categorizations

Self-service reporting and hierarchymanagement allow customers to match charge and usage data to their specificpayment structures and policies. This requires a flexible reporting structure,as well as a depth and breadth of invoice data. Once these custom views andcategorizations are created, customers can quickly validate charges as newinvoices arrive – across all invoices and accounts or a subset.

3.Direct integration with customers’ systems

Whether a custom data feed or an automatedtransfer of invoices, these integration features allow suppliers to adapt theiroutputs to their customers’ payment processes, not vice versa. This directintegration provides an easy way for customers to input the suppliers’ digitalinvoicing data into their established systems and processes.

4.Online disputes and status alerts

This feature allows customers to raisedisputes from within the context of a bill, at either the invoice or specificcharge level. As the dispute resolution process ensues, customers areprovided with in-app or email status updates. The amount of the dispute isautomatically removed from the total outstanding due, allowing customers tomove forward with the remainder of payment while resolution is determined.

5.Multi-pay with automated remittance capture

Multi-pay allows customers to submit asingle payment for a group of consolidated invoices, while automaticallycapturing the required remittance information. This action can be completedonline or set up for automatic payment each month. For larger businesscustomers, who tend to pay offline due to more traditional payment policies,this same functionality is applied via a printed remittance slip.

6.Multi-user, permission-based access

The customers’ payment process is far morecomplex than the final act of submitting payment, with several different rolesand workflows involved. A multi-user application allows your customers toprovide the right level of visibility and permissions to different rolesthroughout the organization. This includes access to specific accounts andservices, self-service user management, and permissions for reporting andpayment tasks.

Onlinebilling experiences are often promoted for their convenience factor – making iteasy to access monthly invoices on demand. But an experience that is trulydigital provides more value than just an easy way to view a static replica ofthe paper bill. Check out the Globys Suite to see how we make it easy for yourcustomers to pay.


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